May all of you be reminded that it was our founders who drafted our freedoms as well as our past and present patriots who have served and continue to serve the people of this great nation. Many of these patriots perished in order to protect and preserve those non-negotiable, inalienable rights that we hold so dear to our collective hearts!
It is our duty as citizens to demand answers from our servants (you) how such a small group of men and women continue to represent and cater to foreign and crony-capitalist interest while ignoring the people who make up the fabric and soul of our great nation.
All of you have continued to enrich yourselves at the expense of our children, as well as generations that may follow! Whether these acts were intentional or a form of ignorance, the results appear to have characteristics of repeated, calculated and blatant acts of treason.
The contract and trust for which you have continually violated has only contributed to the destruction of the people and the integrity of our constitution for which each of us live and depend upon. These rights are for the citizens who reside within each of your congressional districts and states that you were sworn to represent.
With this letter, we will also attach a link to a petition that demands action, as well as linked documents to current and historical data and acts of congress that created these conditions and situations to destroy a free country and it's people.
The record of events shall be preserved for posterity so that no man or woman will ever forget how all of you have continued to bastardize the constitution, thus violating our inalienable rights to self-determination.
For those elected and appointed servants who do not understand, or continue to ignore the history of those who gifted us these dwindling freedoms, let us now revisit some quotes from history documented by our founders, the warning signs of a tyrannical government. These humbling messages from our past should serve as a reminder that "We The People" must stand up whenever tyranny stands in the way of a free nation of citizens.
After reading these quotes, each of you should have no doubt in your minds that "We The People" are now up against tyrannical despots! To show us that you are not one of the tyrants that our patriots warned us about, we demand that each of you, as our elected representatives, take immediate action to route out these tyrants who continue to force the citizens into a state of subjugated servitude.
In progress...
Great job Bill!